Stray dogs and cats shelter

We are Irina and Petr. We started the Territory of Good shelter more than 10 years ago in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

When the war started, we were forced to leave, so we came to Poti, Georgia, bringing those dogs we could save from the war. For the last year and a half we've been living here, trying to save as many stray animals from the streets as possible. Especially those who clearly wouldn't survive: injured, old, small ones. We have 41 dogs and two cats now. Some of them are recovering from abuse or illness, while others are ready to be adopted.

Eventually, people started bringing dogs to us here too. We can't refuse to help but our abilities are limited as it's only two of us.

If you want to adopt, you are more than welcome. Some of the dogs already had their luck finding new loving families in various European countries.

Petr works as a construction worker and Irina takes care of the shelter full time. We aren't funded, so if you want to donate, please do.

How to donate

Bank of Georgia USD account

Intermediary bank Citibank N.A., New York, USA; SWIFT: CITIUS33
Account with institution Bank of Georgia, SWIFT: BAGAGE22
Account GE49BG0000000549743936
Phone (+995 32) 2 444 444

Bank of Georgia EUR account

Intermediary bank Commerzbank, Frankfurt, Germany; SWIFT: COBADEFF
Account with institution Bank of Georgia, SWIFT: BAGAGE22
Account GE49BG0000000549743936
Phone (+995 32) 2 444 444

Our dogs